Känner du till fördelarna med en hälsokur?

Do you know the benefits of a health cure?

Has the sweet craving taken over, or does it feel like you need to break unhealthy eating habits?

We live in a stressed society where we want everything to go quickly, where the food we eat is one of the factors we may choose to prioritize away. We choose things that are easy to prepare and readily available, much of which we may also believe is good for us to eat even though it may actually be the opposite. Unfortunately, this diet is often also nutrient-poor. It becomes a vicious cycle where we eat more nutrient-poor food, which makes us crave even more nutrient-poor food and sweets. 

How do we then break these unhealthy habits? 

We want to do our best, but why is it so easy to continue on the same unhealthy path? Try to take small steps, choose 1 or 2 new good habits that you can add to your daily life. It could be eating more fruits and vegetables, or starting to incorporate more physical activity into your routine. Small steps turn into new habits and routines that may develop into more new good habits. 

Try one of our health cures that gives you a kickstart to break old patterns?

Give your body more nutrition and recovery with one of our tailored health cures. Show your body love by prioritizing health and replenish with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants in a natural way. By follow our simple accompanying recipes and programs for delightful smoothies and salads, you give your body time to recover and take a break from unhealthy habits. 

"9 out of 10 people eat less than the 500 grams of fruits and vegetables recommended by the WHO. Smoothies are an easy way to get the amount of fruits and vegetables that the body needs. Superfood, fruits, and vegetables provide a variety of important vitamins, minerals, fibers, and antioxidants."

Berry Beautiful smoothie bowl

A small taste sample from our 72-hour detox program, a recipe for lunch day 1. 

  • 1 banana
  • 2 dl water
  • 2 tsp Berry Beautiful
  • 1 dl blueberries.

Blend everything in a mixer, pour into a bowl and top with berries if desired. 

Read more about our health cures

5 Days Wellbeing Program

2 Days smoothie cure

72-hour Detox program

Eat well. Feel good!

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