Ekologiska och hållbara julklappstips!

Organic and sustainable Christmas gift ideas!

Christmas is coming soon..

Do you feel stressed about Christmas and don't know what to give as a gift? Does it seem like you're having a hard time coming up with something that suits all ages? Choose to give a sustainable gift this year. 

Give away an organic and sustainable Christmas gift! 

We want to share our best Christmas gift tips with you, for a healthy lifestyle that brings energy and joy. Choosing to give gifts with thoughtfulness and care is healthy and loving, both for us humans and our nature. We have gifts that are suitable for the whole family. All our Superfoods are filled with antioxidants, vitamins, good nutrients, and moreover, they are both organic and sustainable. 


1.Berry Beautiful, is a fantastic Christmas gift that suits the whole family. You can preferably enjoy this only with water, in smoothies, in baked goods, or why not serve healthy and nutritious nice cream? Please take a look at our receptblogg for tips on how you can use our products. 

2. Organic skincare or makeup. We know that the skin absorbs much of what we apply to it, and therefore it is beneficial to give a gift that is healthy to put on the skin. 

3. Reuse something you already have at home, or choose to visit a flea market or similar to find a great Christmas gift. 

4. Give away one of our hälsopaket, where you also get 10% off. In our health packages, there is a tailored program that you can easily follow step by step to fill your body with wonderful nutrients, vitamins, and minerals. Perfect to give as a "fresh start" for the new year ahead. 

Treat your loved ones to a healthy Christmas snack! 

Try our wonderfully delicious Berry Beautiful saffron sticky cake, with a lovely combination of flavors that brings to mind mulled wine coziness and Christmas love!

You can find the recipe here!

Take care of yourself, your loved ones! 


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